Rinquette van de Hurkse Hoeve

Female Netherlands 1230 views
Wiringherlant Algonab25-06-1980Blue Mischief FauabuEllenglaze Ladies ChoiceINT-D-VDH-LUX-NL Ch. Ellenglaze Ladies Choice22-04-1973Misselwaithe Squire Dickon
Ellenglaze Fleur Forsythe03-03-1970
Raynham Rascal Of Rollingsea09-04-1976Lynces Blue Monarch
Rollingsea Tresa
Kwasitela Miss  
Boky Bouncing Girl   

Additional information

Below listed children of Rinquette van de Hurkse Hoeve are part of this OES-Database.
Click on their parents name to show all offspring from this combination.