Bottom Shaker Indian Summer

Bottom Shaker Indian Summer

Dia Female 15 November 1996 † 15 September 2006 Hungary 1812 views
Lamedazottel QuicksilverH Ch. Lamedazottel Quicksilver28-01-1995HD B | Eyes: Cataract & PRA freeBobbington Latin LoverGB Ch. Bobbington Latin Lover03-01-1990HD 0:0Amblegait Amboyna Of StourvaleGB Ch. Amblegait Amboyna Of Stourvale16-10-1981Amblegait Adams Addition16-11-1979
Barnolby Artistic Of Amblegait29-10-1976
GB Ch. Oakfarm Beth Of Bobbington23-05-1985GB Ch. Barnolby Troubleshooter At Oldoak30-09-1982
Oakfarm Oleanna23-08-1980
GB Ch. Lamedazottel Garbo03-05-1990Greyfell Storm WarningGB Ch. Greyfell Storm Warning24-10-1985EIC -/-Tynycoed Caradog Ap TegwchAM-GB Ch. Tynycoed Caradog Ap Tegwch22-03-1983
GB Ch. Trushayp Effervescence At Greyfell21-12-1980
Zottels Miss Marple Of LamedaGB Ch. Zottels Miss Marple Of Lameda05-01-1985Lohengrin aus dem Elbe-UrstromtalINT-D-VDH-NL-DK-BE Ch. Lohengrin aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal31-12-1980
Reeuwijk's Filmstar in SilverINT-D-VDH-CH Ch. Reeuwijk's Filmstar in Silver26-01-1979
INT-H Ch. Trackery Island's Chubby Pino01-04-1993Vigilat's Dear Davy's JoriINT-D-VDH-F-NL-BE-LUX-MC Ch. Vigilat's Dear Davy's Jori21-05-1987Barking Bear's Davy BelleINT-NL-BE Ch. Barking Bear's Davy Belle15-04-1983HD -Shaggy Bear's Sugar Foot Stomp28-05-1981
Amble Gait's Arabella Blue
Vigilat's YolineVigilat's Yoline03-05-1985Reeuwijk's Dear Tom ToddReeuwijk's Dear Tom Tod18-04-1977
Reeuwijk's Fabulous LadyReeuwijk's Fabulous Lady26-01-1979
Vigilat's Madame de Pompadour03-12-1990Vigilat’s Woody AllenINT-D-VDH-NL-BE Ch. Vigilat's Woody Allan05-10-1984Button Nose AmadeusINT-D-VDH-ITA Ch. Button Nose Amadeus10-07-1979
Vigilat's Pretty Thing06-06-1981
Vigilat's YolineVigilat's Yoline03-05-1985Reeuwijk's Dear Tom ToddReeuwijk's Dear Tom Tod18-04-1977
Reeuwijk's Fabulous LadyReeuwijk's Fabulous Lady26-01-1979

Additional information

  • Kennel Bottom Shaker
  • BreederIstván Szetmár & Jozsef Koroknai
  • OwnerGyörgyi Varga
  • Country of ResidenceHungary
  • Health results HD B | Eyes: Cataract & PRA free
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