Brian And Berry Dolcevita Golden Years

Brian And Berry Dolcevita Golden Years

Male 23 February 2022 Italy 1161 views
Reata's Walk The Talk DezignerAM-AUS Ch. Reata's Walk The Talk Dezigner07-03-2018Bagatelle Mr Plum Moon PlayerAM Ch. Bagatelle Mr Plum Moon Player ROM02-07-2011HD Good | Eyes: Cataract & PRA freeHaystac's Bright North StarAM-GRAND-CAN Ch. Haystac's Bright North Star ROM09-06-2008HD Good | Eyes: Cataract & PRA free | EIC +/+ | MDR1 +/+Haystac's Smiley RileyAM-CAN Ch. Haystac's Smiley Riley ROM17-05-1999HD Good | Eyes: Cataract & PRA free
Haystac's Carolina BlueAM-CAN Ch. Haystac's Carolina Blue ROM21-01-2004
Bagatelle Danse Sur La LuneAM-CAN Ch. Bagatelle Danse Sur La Lune ROM13-12-2006HD ExcellentAM-CAN Ch. Bagatelle Pierrot La Lune16-04-2002
AM Ch. Bagatelle Cachet Royale
Reata's SkyCAN Ch. Reata's Sky24-03-2015Bugaboo's Picture PerfectAM-GRAND Ch. Bugaboo's Picture Perfect ROM18-05-2011Bugaboo's Big ShotAM-GRAND-CAN Ch. Bugaboo's Big Shot ROM03-11-2006
Bugaboo's Georgie GirlAM Ch. Bugaboo's Georgie Girl ROM20-01-2006
Reata's La ReinaWW '13-INT-HR Ch. Reata's La Reina02-05-2009HD AAryakas FotiosAM-GR Ch. Aryakas Fotios ROM27-11-2006HD A
Reata's JackpotBIH Ch. Reata's Jackpot11-02-2004
Rosita Dolcevita Golden YearsINT-ITA-SLO-GR Ch. Rosita Dolcevita Golden Years05-02-2016HD C | Eyes: Cataract & PRA freePole-Position's QuaxINT Ch. Pole-Position's Quax03-06-2012HD A1 | Eyes: Cataract & PRA free | BAER +/+ | PCD +/+ | EIC +/+ | MDR1 +/+Pole-Position's Monty Phyton24-12-2005HD A | Eyes: Cataract & PRA free | BAER +/+ | MDR1 +/+Bugaboo's Big Puff DaddyAM Ch. Bugaboo's Big Puff Daddy ROM27-03-2000
Pole-Position's Glamour Girl19-01-2001
Pole-Position's NasdaqINT-D-VDH-CH Ch. Pole-Position's Nasdaq24-03-2007HD A | Eyes: Cataract & PRA free | BAER +/+ | PCD +/+ | MDR1 +/+Brightcut SnowDowne LimitedAM Ch. Brightcut SnowDowne Limited ROM22-11-1993
Pole-Position's Guardian AngelINT-D-VDH-AUT Ch. Pole-Position's Guardian Angel19-01-2001HD A | Eyes: Cataract & PRA free | MDR1 +/+
Lolita La Luna Dolcevita Golden YearsITA Ch. Lolita La Luna Dolcevita Golden Years29-06-2011HD A | Eyes: Cataract & PRA freeSnowDowne Bold & BountifulAM-ITA-LUX Ch. SnowDowne Bold & Bountiful24-12-2004SnowDowne Smooth Talk'n At BugabooAM Ch. SnowDowne Smooth Talk'n At Bugaboo ROM28-11-2002
AM Ch. SnowDowne Grace Of Cotswold ROM15-07-1999
B-side23-03-2007HD AExcalibur aus dem Elbe-UrstromtalINT-D-VDH-ITA-NL-BE-LUX Ch. Excalibur aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal17-05-2005HD B | Eyes: Cataract & PRA free | BAER +/+
Bohème aus dem Elbe-UrstromtalINT-ITA-NL-BE Ch. Bohème aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal05-04-2002HD A | PCD +/+

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Hi Monica Rigoldi, do you want to update the details of Brian And Berry Dolcevita Golden Years?