Cyril Karina Bohemia
CZ Ch.

Cyril Karina Bohemia

Cyrilek Male 18 July 2019 Czech Republic 2930 views
Manrose Plaisir D'AmourINT-AUT-H-SLO Ch. Manrose Plaisir D'Amour02-09-2008HD AA | Eyes: Cataract & PRA free | PCD +/+Manrose Power Of LoveINT-ITA-ESP-CH-LUX Ch. Manrose Power Of Love05-12-2000HD BB | Eyes: Cataract & PRA freeHibray Action ReplayGB Ch. Hibray Action Replay15-06-1994GB Ch. Dalewood Mr Mistoffeles12-04-1990
Hibray Starlight21-03-1989
Vigilat's Unique Yazzy ManroseINT-F-ITA-CH-LUX Ch. Vigilat's Unique Yazzy Manrose12-05-1995Vigilat's Quick DustinINT-D-VDH-NL Ch. Vigilat's Quick Dustin26-11-1992
Vigilat's Sunshine Flower30-05-1993
Manrose Spirit Of EcstasyINT-ITA Ch. Manrose Spirit Of Ecstasy15-11-1999HD AA | Eyes: Cataract & PRA freeArgovian All on BoardINT-D-VDH-CH-LUX Ch. Argovian All on Board06-06-1997Sugar Bear From Beautiful HighlandINT-D-VDH-ITA-AUT-LUX Ch. Sugar Bear From Beautiful Highland08-01-1988HD A | Eyes: Cataract & PRA free
Pennylane Love 'n KissesINT-D-VDH-ITA-CH-AUT Ch. Pennylane Love 'n Kisses10-01-1994
Bobbington Kiss CurlINT-D-F-ITA-NL-CH-AUT-LUX Ch. Bobbington Kiss Curl05-09-1995HD AB | Eyes: Cataract & PRA freeBobbington Latin LoverGB Ch. Bobbington Latin Lover03-01-1990HD 0:0
Lamedazottel Kiss 'n Tell At BobbingtonGB Ch. Lamedazottel Kiss 'n Tell At Bobbington25-10-1992
Angel Chlupaty MédaCZ-SK Ch. Angel Chlupaty Méda06-09-2014HD A | Eyes: Cataract & PRA free, ICAA-moderate (2024) | PCD +/+Hot'n Spicy aus dem Elbe-UrstromtalINT-D-VDH-NL-CZ-HR-LUX Ch. Hot'n Spicy aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal18-12-2008HD A | Eyes: Cataract & PRA free | ED 0 | PCD +/+Eldorado aus dem Elbe-UrstromtalINT-NL-SE-BE-LUX Ch. Eldorado aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal14-11-2005HD B1 | Eyes: Cataract & PRA free | BAER +/+ | PCD +/+ | EIC +/- | CA/HA +/+To-Jo's Funny PapersAM Ch. To-Jo's Funny Papers25-06-2003HD Good | Eyes: Cataract & PRA free | CA/HA +/+
Applaus aus dem Elbe-UrstromtalAM Ch. Applaus aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal08-07-2001HD Good | Eyes: Cataract & PRA free
Bohème aus dem Elbe-UrstromtalINT-ITA-NL-BE Ch. Bohème aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal05-04-2002HD A | PCD +/+Dreamdancers BallantinesINT-D-VDH-NL-SE Ch. Dreamdancer's Ballantines20-09-1999HD A | Eyes: Cataract & PRA free
Xolidgold aus dem Elbe-UrstromtalINT-LUX Ch. Xolidgold aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal28-06-1998HD B
Gema z Dobrisské TratiCZ-SK Ch. Gema z Dobrisské Trati31-10-2010Eyes: Cataract & PRA free, ICAA-freeZottels InvincibleZottels Invincible26-01-2004AM-GB Ch. Reata's Class Two Thousand ROM15-01-2000
Zottels Yours Truly25-11-1998
Melania Tylko z MilościMelania Tylko z MilościPL Ch. Fan-Fell Overnight Sensation
Katy Tylko z Milości

Additional information

  • Kennel Karina Bohemia
  • BreederJitka Lacigová
  • OwnerLucie Hosnedlová
  • Country of ResidenceCzech Republic
  • Health results HD B | Eyes: Cataract & PRA free, ICAA-free | PCD +/+ | EIC +/+ | MDR1 +/+
  • Height62 cm
  • Eye colorDark brown
  • BiteFull scissor

Get in touch

Cyril Karina Bohemia is available as stud. Please contact Lucie Hosnedlová for more information.

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